LADOT has just informed the Militant (wow, press releases sent to bloggers, what a concept...) that Metro told LADOT some time ago that they will no longer reimburse them for riders who use Metro passes to ride the City-operated buses.
It's no consequence to the Militant, who doesn't hold a monthly pass, but the majority of Metro riders who use DASH to get closer to their destinations would most likely not want to fumble for that quarter. Maybe this is all set up to prepare riders to use the countywide TAP-card fare system that Metro hopes to fully implement someday.
Or perhaps it's all because Metro needs the money to fund the $30 million to solve a $5.5 million problem.
That was the benefit to having the monthly pass.
DASH sucks anyways...no service after 7 p.m....unpredictable...no wonder no one wants to ride it.
And...yes, I think it's cool that press releases are going to bloggers...they are a big source for my news.
I don't hold a monthly pass, but I do use Metro day passes, so this does suck.
Everyone, I recommend getting the EZ Pass. Bite the bullet and pony up the extra $8 per month. That's what I'm gonna do.
$70 a month is still a stone bargain compared to many cities, where a monthly pass is over $100.
I'm sure there are going to try and implement distance-based fares, using the TAP card and the lovely TURNSTILES they want to put it.
Well, that blows my Sunday pleasure trips to Long Beach and Pasadena for no good reason.
Enjoy the monthly pass while it lasts people, you'll be paying $5.00 for each trip to Long Beach before you know it...
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