D-Lowe was d-lightful, holding down the Cubs to just two runs. Manny rammed, Martin sent one a-dartin', and most of all James Loney pwn3d with an el grande slammo in the 5th, which also sent Cubs starter Ryan Dempster into the dumpster. They went on to score three more after that, thanks to the aforementioned Ramirez and Martin bombs, so even without Loney's slam, they still would have won.
And them poor little Cubbies fans...left their little northside tourist attraction early. For a playoff game. And they claim to be so diehard, lol.
Dude, this is HUGE. This is the very first time since 1988 when the Dodgers won the first game of a postseason series, the first time since 1988 when they won a road game in the postseason and the first time they won a postseason game since 2004. Then, it was Lima Time. Now it's Loney Time. But unlike their postseason efforts in 2004 and 2006, the team isn't fraught with injuries (both on the field and off...). They got crazy depth. In fact, big injuries are behind them, with previously-hurt players like Rafael Furcal and Takashi Saito now back on the field.
The two teams face each other again tonight at 6:30 p.m. Pacific Time, which is gonna be a little tough since there's another kind of playoff match going on in the Midwest tonight. Chad Billingsley faces Carlos Zambrano. If they can secure a back-to-back win tonight, it's gonna be a madhouse at the Stadium on Saturday night. And yes, the Militant will definitely be there.
1 comment:
the three times before that the dodgers won their first playoff game, they went to the world series (la observed)! woot woot!
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