Hai evreebodee. I'tz thu Millitunt agen. He jusst wantid tu sho yu sumthing he ubzurvd wen he whent tu tha
Gmapz Pudomiter sight. Thu Millitunt notisd dat, wyle luking at thu innersexshun ov Wilshur an Alrvacado
thay misssspelllld tha naym of Macarther Park, witch is weard sincs tha naym of thu Mettro stayshun iz speld korektlee. Alsow da aktual
Guggle Mapz webbsight haz da naym ov thuh parck speld korecttlee. FUNY HUH?
It's a FAQ.
my head hurts now
If you look at the intersection of Normandie and Pico, the Google map doesn't reflect the change of the side street into a little park.
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