The surrounding 'burbs aren't left out, either: The City of Compton (City O' Comp-ton) has a memorial monument, a transit center and an elementary school. Long Beach has a park.
The man himself even preached at a couple local churches just weeks before the early morning April 4 where shots rang out over Memphis skies.
Like the song said, they took his life, but they could not take his pride.
When King gave his iconic "I Have A Dream" speech in August 1963, he made it clear his vision was not necessarily for the people listening but his children and generations after. That very moment, in the extreme opposite end of the country, there was a little 2-year old toddler who was probably more captivated with playing with toy fire trucks at the time.
Tomorrow, that toddler will stand on the steps of the Capitol and recite the oath of office as President of the United States. just goes to show that the fruits of one's labor, of one's passion, won't get to bloom for a while, but in time, it inevitably will. The Militant finds inspiration in that thought -- today the Militant types mere words into a web page. But who knows what will come of that decades from now?
Militant reader BradleyB made this awesome interactive Google Map with the locations the Militant described earlier in this post. Militant props!
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Photo: MLK Mural in Pacoima, circa 1980
Great post! I was so inspired I mapped out all the locations. I also noticed that the link to the parade is broken.
Whatup Bradley!
Thanks for taking the task to do the interactive Google Map thing, you've inspired the Militant to use it for his most recent post. Your map will be added to the this post with due props! Thanks again and STAY MILITANT!
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