The Milita(cough, cough, cough) wildfires this weekend in three corners of the Southlan(cough, cough, cough) n't be able to go out and ride his bicy(cough, cough, cough). The sky looks as if we have more than one thing (cough, wheeze) in common with Beijin(cough, cough, cough, hack, cough). Except this time, there are more homes bur(cough, cough, cough, hack, wheeze, cough). From his compound he can(cough, cough, cough, wheeze, cough, cough, hock...spit). The Militant can't (cough, cough) wait until all this (cough, cough, cough, wheeze, cough, cough, hoccccccccck, ptui!) the air and (hack, cough, cough, ack, cough, cough, cough, wheeze, wheeze, cogh, cough)...
Oh, forget i(cough, cough, cough, wheeze, hock...).
I feel you, man. I made the mistake of driving down San Fernando Road at about 0200 Saturday when coming home from Santa Clarita (5 was a disaster), and now I feel like someone kicked me in the chest.
Downtown is shrouded in haze. It smells bad. I am staying in today.
Yeah must be tough for you fucks breathing that air when tons of people lost their homes and were REALLY affected by it.
I remember days when my lungs used to hurt. I wisely stayed in and checked out craigslist's special fire section where there is a listing of who needs help.
The easy advice to help out is to donate money to the Red Cross or Salvation army. LA Times mentioned a guy who put up a poster board for those who needed to locate family and friends.
pushungtide: nobody here is minimizing the tragedy for the people who lost their homes. WTF? All we're doing is pointing out that the air is smoky. It's an acknowledgement. Get over yourself.
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