The Militant wrote his memories of the 6.7 temblor back in 2008, check it out if you haven't read it.
Today is also five days since the 7.0 temblor in Haiti - a quake of slightly larger magnitude, yet thousands of times more devastating in terms of structural damage and human casualties.
Though we're living in tough economic times, and our state and City are in a budget crisis, our problems are extremely miniscule compared to what the folks in Port-Au-Prince are going through, so consider helping them out in any way possible. Google has set up a site listing various reputable charities and aid organizations already delivering assistance and relief. Locally, one of the most well-known Hatian restaurants in town, TiGeorges' Chicken located in the Historic Filipinotown district, is gathering donations and relief supplies to send over to owner George Laguerre's homeland, so do help out (and do order a lunch or dinner there, it's awesomely good food BTW). However you decided to help, it doesn't matter as long as you do.
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