Solis is the first person from the Southland to be on board the new administration, especially since her colleague (and the Militant's own congressman) Xavier Becerra opted to stay in da House rather than take on the U.S. Trade Representative position. Though she's a native Angelena, she's not the first So Cal native on Obama's cabinet -- Commerce Secretary-designate and New Mexico governor Bill Richardson was born in Pasadena. And for anyone keeping score, Obama's got three Latinos and two Asian Americans in his cabinet...tokens no more!
So congrats, anyway, Congresswoman Solis! We got an Eastsider (What? And these fine folks haven't taken notice of it yet? Tsk tsk...) in the executive branch!
* The headline alone was the main reason for writing this post, and the Militant is surprised no one's jumped on that headline yet.
She's not really from the east side. The east side starts at blah blah blah. Let the east side wars continue.
That said, congrats to Congresswoman Solia. Good for her, good for workers, good for the people of L.A.
Some of us don't care much for electoral politics, even if it comes to Eastsiders or Latinos. That's my excuse anyways.
Militant, you write "Xavier Becerra opted to stay in da House". You think that's the end of the story? More likely Xavier couldn't pass Obama's background checks.
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