The food court, originally established to satiate the appetites of the temple's congregation by serving up an authentic slice of the motherland, has gradually become immensely popular with non-Thais, especially foodies, who admire the foodcourt's stunning variety, great value and most of all, culinary authenticity.

The closure of the food court would be a sad loss for Los Angeles. Though this great city is certainly not lacking in Thai cuisine, this is perhaps the only was locals can enjoy Thai satays or papaya salad in a more authentic, social, outdoor setting.
The Militant plans to be there Sunday, and is already scouring mta.net for the best way to get there from the North Hollywood Red Line station...The Militant hopes you do too, and perhaps it'll make both the local neighbors as well as the food vendors happy.
Update: The food court will be open next weekend, which, according to the security guard at the temple, is slated to be its final week. More to follow from the Militant!
Wat Thai Buddhist Temple
12909 Cantara Ave., North Hollywood
(Near Coldwater Canyon Ave. and Roscoe Blvd).
Food court open Sat-Sun, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
I just heard about this fabulous place and never got to give it a try....did they really close?
Anonymous: Yes, Virginia, they did close. But the Militant's Thai community operatives describe the voluntary closing by the temple as a hiatus -- after the said issues get ironed out, the food court would return again at a later date.
Pss that's crazy... it's just food, and in USA there is a religion freedom, you can pray to any God you want, doesn't matter if it's real or not....
Thanks for sharing.
Since it was doing great, why not relocate the food court somewhere else? It will surely be a successful and profitable business! Have they thought of that idea?
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