After relishing in the post-NBA Finals Game 1 Lakers victory (Whatup, all you Laker fans! Caaannn yoooouuu digg itt?!?), the Militant decided to take a bike ride for an unspecified distance and celebrate by partaking in all that is Kogi tacos. After all, aren't tacos synonymous with wide-margin Laker wins? It was a night of Kobe and Kogi, in other words.
He learned via Twitter that one of the trucks, "Roja" would be parked at Silver_Lake(r)'s 4100 Bar on Sunset. Fearing an onslaught of hipsters (especially anticipating a long line of 'em while waiting for his tacos) the Militant brought some protective gear.
So the Militant ordered two Korean short rib tacos, one Korean spicy pork taco; a kimchi quesadilla and a Korean short rib burrito to go for one of the Militant's unspecified siblings.
Fearing his identity might be revealed, the Militant left the scene and headed back to his compound to consume his provisions.
The tacos were mighty tiny! But smelled amazing. It was like a whole new world. Yes, the Militant has had Korean food before, but not packaged like this. He took a good whiff of the tacos and the quesadilla before chowing down.
The Militant really wanted to see if Kogi is worth the hype. The Miltant can confirm that, yes it is (especially since he only had to wait all but 5 minutes from getting in line to getting his order, though the line grew to 18 deep by the time he left).
Same with the quesadilla. The cheese seemed too overpowered by the kimchi. Which is not to say that a kimchi quesadilla doesn't work, maybe they just need more cheese in there! Again, not bad stuff at all! Just nitpickin' here! The kimchi sauce and sesame seed on the outside is a nice touch though.
It can't get any more real Los Angeles than that. Savor it, Angelenos.
Locations vary; two taco trucks, "Roja" and "Verde" operate simultaneously in different parts of town.
Open Tuesday-Saturday
Items: Korean short rib taco ($2); Korean spicy pork taco ($2); kimchi quesadilla ($5)
Early on in the Kogi craze, their truck graced Silver Lake at the nonhipster interval more commonly known as dinnertime. Those nights are long gone, probably never to return, and neither am I since Thursdays at 11 p.m. pretty much the last thing on my mind is food -- even if it's the good stuff they bring.
If you haven't yet been, you should think about a visit to El Parian (south side of Pico a block east of Union). Their birria de chivo (stewed goat) tacos are awesome and their carne asada is some of the best I've ever had -- and they're big! Two's plenty for me.
I finally tried Kogi this week for the first time - I had three tacos, and I couldn't tell them apart either.
But they were good regardless.
Sliders next....
Kogi must go down! Those faux evil dopplegangers of the one true taco truck taco. Shame on you militant for being bought off by Kogi's tasty Sriracha-laden rip-off! Are you a TRUE LA native? I doubt it.
p.s. The Virgin Mary hates Kogi tacos too.
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