Okay, now that he's gotten that out of the way, he'll run this real quickly, since by now you probably saw and read the Twitter tweets and Flickr albums containing various angles of the same thing.
The Militant, along with Militant Operative Valleypinoy joined some 94,998 others at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum to celebrate the tema's 15th NBA championship victory. Though many wussies out there feared teh worst, it was a largely positive, joyous event with people of all ages and ethicities, especially children, and women (Because let's face it, Sunday night's Kunckleheadfest was a bit too testosterone-driven)
in the house (and the Militant was quite glad to see some of the ladies there, rawwrr!).
You all know what happened, and the Militant was certain people in Orlando could hear the faint sound of the word "RING!" echoing from the west. The Militant was most fascinated by the sight of the actual Staples Center Lakers court floor, set up by the eastern end zone of the Coliseum (where the Sun Deck is for you USC Trojans fans). Just think, this was probably the very first time that the floor has seen the light of day (and what a day, in terms of weather - warm enough to be a Summer day, but cool enough for some nice breezes to blow through. And to boot, this was by far the largest assembly of Laker fans evar in one place. LAKER-CON '09!
Maybe LAKER-CON '09 was a big selling pitch for the Coliseum, which may or may not go on sale soon to the highest bidder as the State of California is desperately seeking to some revenue. Sale or not, the event did further solidify the venue as the heart and home of Los Angeles sports.
And if the Lakers do a back-to-back again next year, let's hope the (M) Expo Line gets finished early!
MORE PICS!!!!!!!1
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