The first person to take a picture of themselves at all 27 of The Militant's Epic Militant CicLAvia Tour sites will win a prize!
Like The Militant Angeleno himself, the prize is a mystery! But he promises it will be real cool!
Here's how it goes:
1. Get out on the CicLAvia route on Sunday!
2. Take a pic of yourself at each of the 27 sites, with the location clearly showing in the photo. You can take a self-portrait or have someone else take your pic, doesn't matter. Your chosen mode of transportation through the CicLAvia route also does not matter.
3. Pics must be *submitted* in order, but entries taken in reverse order (#27 descending to #1) will be accepted, if you choose to take the tour starting from the East Hollywood end. You do not have to take the pictures in order (or reverse order) but it'll be easier, of course!
4. Upload the pics to your favorite free image hosting site (Flickr, Photobucket, etc), just as long as the album is publicly-viewable. Facebook Photo albums will be accepted. If you have your own web host, and put them all in one page, that will be accepted too. All albums, pages, etc. must be accessible with a single web link!
5. Email the link to your photos, with your full name, city and CicLAvia route mode of travel (bike, skateboard, foot, rollerblade, pogo stick, etc) in the email body, to: militantangeleno@gmail.com - Entries will be accepted STARTING 4:00 p.m. on Sunday (The Militant wants to give everyone a fair chance to enjoy CicLAvia, no need to rush home right away just to do your photo uploads).
6. Entries with less than 27 pictures, or photos that do not clearly identify the site (If you're standing in front of just a wall and say it's the Ukrainian Culture Center...sorry, won't fly), or a broken link, will be disqualified!
7. Be creative if you want! You're Angelenos after all! Even if you don't win, The Militant may or may not include the more amusing shots in an upcoming blog post!
8. Stay Militant and have fun at CicLAvia!
Best of luck, Angelenos!
Original Militant's Epic Militant CicLAvia Tour post is here.
Download the printable Militant's Epic Militant CicLAvia Tour guide PDF here.
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