Pictured is the Building Formerly Known As The First Interstate World Center Formerly Known As The Library Tower - otherwise currently known as the U.S. Bank Tower. At 1,017 feet high, as we all know, it is the tallest building in Los Angeles (as well as the tallest between Chicago and Hong Kong).
Aside from being the tallest building in Los Angeles, it is also the
tallest manmade structure in the region.
So what, where and how high is the
second-tallest manmade structure in the Los Angeles area?
Post your answers in the comments.
I believe number two would be the 62-story Aon Center (formerly the First Interstate Bank Tower, originally built as the United California Bank Building) at 858 feet.
It was the site of a historic high-rise fire in 1988, which resulted in all new high-rise construction in LA having sprinkler systems and rooftop helipads.
LA Mapnerd: The Militant grins.
The question sounds all too easy, right? Look at the Downtown skyline and look for the second-tallest structure there, right?
But you know the Militant has to add a serious twist to this challenge.
Your answer is actually wrong! It is the second-tallest building in the Los Angeles area, but not the second-tallest manmade structure.
Here's a clue: It's not where you'd expect it to be.
The CBS broadcast tower on Mount Wilson has a height of 296.4 meters above ground level (a little over 972 feet). Nice problem!
Oooh. Tricksy.
I like it. :-)
Wasn't the original name the "Library Tower" in honor of the library that stood at that spot once before? Recollection that was quite the brouhaha when the project was being planned.
Or am I thinking of another tower downtown that was built in the 80's.
meandering: There was actually nothing in the spot where the tower now stands...actually it was Hope street, which was re-aligned somewhat to make room for the 'scraper.
The Library Tower was named in reference to the Los Angeles Central Library across the street. At the time it was shut down for renovation/expansion following a couple major fires in 1986. Since the Central Library is only three stories tall, and will always be that tall, the City sold the "air rights" above the Central Library to Maguire Thomas Partners so they can build a 73-story skyscraper across the street. The end result is what towers over Downtown today.
Thanks for all the details on why it was originally referred to as "the Libary Tower".
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