Led by Sharon Sekhon, executive director of the Studio for Southern California History, this Walking Tour explores the different generations and re-generations of communities comprising this vibrant and now Chinese neighborhood. This neighborhood also hosted Italian, Croatian, French, & Mexican American communities throughout the late 19 th and 20 th centuries. Los Angeles' original Chinatown was razed in 1938 to make room for Union Station. As a result, this Chinatown was a planned community that attempted to reflect the Chinese community that was displaced here.
This event is free but reservations are required by e-mailing rsvp@socalstudio.org or calling 213-229-8890.
Date: Saturday, October 6, 2007
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Location: 525 Alpine Street, Suite 103, Los Angeles, California 90012 (the Studio for Southern California History)
Cost: Free
For more information, visit: http://www.socalstudio.org/calendar/walking_tours/chinatown2.htm
The Militant may or may not be there. No really, he has a lot of militant business to do that day. But if you go, just know that this event has the Militant Angeleno's Seal of Approval. The Studio for Southern California seems to be doing very militant things in preserving the histories - especially the untold ones - of this region. So just tell them the Militant Angeleno himself sent you (they're probably gonna say, "Huh? Who sent you?" but just tell them anyway just to see their reaction)!
Dang! I'm having my land speeder repaired in Lake View Terrace tomorrow morning.
I went this morning and there was no tour. :( But, I made the most of it and did a little tour on my own. Details of which will be blogged before the end of the weekend.
Miles: Hmmm. Sorry to hear that. What happened? Was it canceled? Was any explanation given to you?
I don't know. They don't open the studio until noon. So, I just went on my own. Perhaps, I rsvp'd too late and I was the only one. Who knows. It was still a fun and productive morning downtown!
Miles: Well good to know that you didn't find your visit to be a total waste. You didn't have to go that far anyway. The Militant is just concerned that people might think he's misleading people - though he only found out about the tour yesterday. But the Militant plans to contact this Studio for Southern California History group in the near future for other matters.
The Chinese Historic society of Southern California (CHSSC) is open and has tours but charges money. On Sunday the place is open after 1PM and has more knowledgeable people there on Bernard St. For more info:
On the 14th they had a BID sponsored show at 5:00pm exhibiting the flexible Emily and the Balancing girl. How in the world does she balance two eggs on top of each other is beyond me...
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