Militant keeping it short this time...Took obligatory local area bike ride Tuesday...Northern edge of K-Town to visit a certain Angelena who worked there, not there today. Took a nice little pic (pictured left, wanna guess where?)...Rode into Historic Filipinotown, took some neighborhood pics, require further Militant research, did some additional research for
The Quest, not completely satisfied with the specimen...Rode into Silver_Lake, through Sunset and into
The Junction (hipster shield
engaged), was looking for some camo threads. $30 for a pair of camo pants? Notenkyu. Walked past
that coffee place everyone's talking about - notenkyu. Tried to take a "today" pic of
this place, wasn't completely satisfied with the results (will make another attempt soon), rode past
ridiculously expensive condos, notenkyu. Went back home. Attended to some business at the Militant's satellite post. Had some sort of meeting of a classified nature. Later accompanied militia member and drove to a
celebrated quasi-Westside mess hall to discuss strategies of said classified operation and partake in the consumption of wedge-shaped rations of
Apennine origin (TENKYU!).
Tenkyu for clicking.
Is that an old pic of a redcar coming up Santa Monica Boulevard to Sunset Junction? DANG!
Cheap camos can be had at Supply Sargent at Hollywood/Cherokee.
You might also try Cal Surplus @ Santa Monica & Vine, though I'm not sure how the prices are.
Cheap Camo can indeed be found at the Supply Sarg. Be weary of fake Camo though. Make sure it is made by Rothco. Dats da weel ting! Cal Surplus has lotsa non-Rothco stuff and costs more republic credits. Easier access to the Sarge via Metro as well. :)
WOW, the Militant didn't expect this post to have fashion shopping advice replies, but shenorhagal em, gracias, danke (untag), salamat, merci, etc!
That's it. I'm adding H'wood Jedi to my blogroll. Me likey himz styulz
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