Having biked to the general area before late last year, he knew the general way there. So it was all a matter of cruising down the 'Shaw - Militant style.
While riding down, he passed a minivan blasting Ice Cube's "Today Was A Good Day" on its stereo. A good omen, perhaps.
The 'Shaw, or "The Strip," as some locals call it, has always been a dynamic neighborhood. Originally a multicultural community where former mayor James K. Hahn and former city councilman Mike Woo grew up, it has also seen a massive change from the early '90s, then a victim of the '92 Riots. Today, there are not only many shops on The Strip, but important institutions like supermarkets and banks, which were noticeably absent in the community before 4-29-92. Now there are banks in every other block, and the requisite Starbucks, Krispy Kreme and, yes, a Wal-Mart, which in itself was a work of Magic.
The Strip is adorned with streetlight medallions bearing the design of a letter "C" with the lower section curving into an upwards-pointing arrow, indicating a community on the rise.
But aside the the commercialism, which in this part of town was a welcome sight, it still maintains its true flavor, especially south of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd and east of Crenshaw, where Leimert Park lies, the hub, heart and soul of modern African American Los Angeles.
The Militant's meeting was over lunch, which took place at Ackee Bamboo, where he had a tasty and affordable dish of Jerk Chicken. It was a nice day, so the meeting party met outdoors in the courtyard, just across from the relatively new location of 5th St. Dick's Coffeehouse, one of the staple venues of today's jazz scene.
After the Militant's meeting, he had time to observe the rest of the community as it plays out its everyday life, from two elementary-school aged children taking violin lessons from a musician in Project Blowed's hip-hop performance space to locals just hanging out in the park, enjoying the day. This is a community with its own distinct flavor from its afrocentric novelty shops to its solid musical institutions, including the World Stage and the legendary Babe's and Ricky's Inn, where your $8 cover on a Monday night gets you not only the best blues in town, but a soul food buffet as well (Militant deal!).
On the way back, the Militant also snapped a few pics of The 'Shaw. Checkit:
Another great post!
But whether the magic is literal or figurative, from what I understand there are plenty of smaller businesses in the vicinity of the Wal Mart that aren't too happy with the place.
And I'm pretty sure the services for Randal Simmons were at the Crenshaw Christian Center Faith Dome on Vermont.
Will the Inevitable: Yes, that's sort of a given when a Wal-Mart pops up un any community. But it was a slight commentary on how Wal-Marts are largely suburban phenomenas. And when the Militant sees a pun, he goes for it.
The Militant stands corrected on the Simmons memorial site. One the Militant's operatives attended the service and even showed him a copy of the program. So he thought...
Well, if there's a Crenshaw Christian Center on Vermont, then
some enterprising pastor should build a "Vermont Christian Center" on the 'Shaw.
fours years removed from the "Shaw" I found M.A. blog bringing warm thoughts of the hood back here to STL, the Lou, hook me up with more of your tales from my old hood.
wow!!! what a trip, and all made it in a bike? impressive, your physical condition must be the better to make something like this.
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