Sure the Autumnal Equinox came and went back in September, the Militant has been wearing camo pants rather than shorts lately and the baseball season has been officially over, but nothing hits the Militant like that damn Standard Time.
The Militant has switched his clock back an hour for nearly a week already (well, his cellphone and computer did it all by themselves, at least) and though he can tolerate the colder temperatures, he sure couldn't stand the very limited hours of daylight, especially since it's been sorely overcast for the past week.
All of this takes a psychological toll on the Militant, he has lost some of his adventurous nature, he stays indoors all day, he even decided to opt out on last night's Midnight Ridazz bike trek, for no particular reason than he didn't feel like it (though it would have helped had the starting point been either within the vicinity of the compound or been easily (M)-accessible. But oh well.
Now, the Militant can already hear you transplants calling the Militant a "Typical California Weather Pussy" and making other self-aggrandizing comments like, "Oh, you've never shoveled six feet of snow off your driveway before" yadda yadda yadda yadda. But why are you here? "Oh, the weather! Everything sucks about La-La Land except THE WEATHER!" Pffftht. The weather pussy is looking straight at the mirror. Besides, over 2.5 billion people in the world live in tropical climates, and you've only complained about your humidity during the Summer? Stick that in your Midwast/East Coast-centric a...
...Oh hey! We were talking about the change of seasons. Yeah, so this being the first cloudless day all week, the Militant took a long stroll around the vicinity of his compound to soak up some rays, however little warmth they emanated. The Militant gets his strength from the sun, so he must be solar-powered or something. Nevertheless, this is usually the low point of the year for the Militant; last fall was pretty rough. But just like the clock he'll just have to adjust...until Spring comes 'round.
I find the fall more difficult too. Every fall. Less light in the morning, less in the evening. Makes me want to stay in bed and share special time with my good friend TiVo.
When it gets cold, why ride a bike at nite? The hormones can't stand the cold and maybe watching tv isn't such a bad idea, unlike summer when there are only re-runs....
I guess if you have Tivo then there are less excuses not to watch TV. In addition the lure of watching HDTV is making it hard not to want to stay home.
Yes the Kings game is not a bad option if you get free tickets. I even went to a Clipper's game when they offered free seats....
Amen!! I'm glad that you voice my same frustrations with Midwest/East Coast-centric transplants. They act like they are the norm and WE are the self-centered ones...everything I learned in elementary school was completely slanted to represent them as the norm (WTF! Groundhog Day means nothing to me) and still they don't get the fact that their experiences are NOT normative and most people in this world have never shoveled snow. But of course, that would be brown people, and their experiences don't really matter right....
I just moved to the East Coast so I'm particularly tired of being jested by all the EC show-offs who wear skirts and t-shirts in 40 degree weather: "Oh, you must think this is cold! hahaha...wait til winter hits."
Chicanaskies: Alright! you sound like a Militant Angelena if there ever was one (The Militant is sure they're out there, let's hear more from da ladies!)! Please do the Militant a favor, though - start using words like "Out Here" (and make sure you use it in excess) when referring to your transplanted home and "Back West" when referring to Los Angeles/California/The West Coast :)
For example:
"Damn, you people Out Here are sure obsessed with Groundhog Day."
"Tacos? Pfffth. You can never find a decent one Out Here! They sure don't make 'em like they do Back West!"
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