This year, Chavez Ravine has become "Dodgertown" itself, complete with its own zip code, and their "This Is My Town" ad campaign has spawned some billboards (both typical and atypical), as well as a way to get certain demographic groups to sell out some of the crappiest seats in the Stadium.
But after some Militant thought, "Dodgertown" has a deeper meaning: Perhaps it's been here all along.
There are hundreds of streets that crisscross this City (the fact that many of them are colored Dodger blue notwithstanding) and they can reveal some of the Dodgers themselves. Thus began the Militant's new on-going series, "The Real Dodgertown."
Today, the Militant kicks off the series featuring current Dodgers second baseman Orlando Hudson, a.k.a. O-DAWG!

The Militant took both of the above pictures on a bike ride along Melrose Avenue in Hollywood, where both Orlando and Hudsdon avenues intersect. He may or may not know whether there's some connection, but if O-Dawg is ever spotted shopping at, say, Crooks & Castles or having dinner at Osteria Mozza, the Militant would love to get a pic.
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